自然指数(Nature Index)期刊目录

自然指数(Nature Index)是Nature出版集团(Nature Publishing Group)依托于全球顶级期刊统计各高校、科研院所(国家)在国际上最具影响力的研究型学术期刊上发表论文数量的数据库,2014年11月首次遴选了68种全球顶级期刊,为了进一步调整学科间的权重比,提高计量指标的科学性,2018年6月将遴选的全球顶级期刊更新为82种:
1. ACS Nano
2. Advanced Functional Materials
3. Advanced Materials
4. American Journal of Human Genetics
5. Analytical Chemistry
6. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
7. Applied Physics Letters
8. Astronomy & Astrophysics
9. Cancer Cell
10. Cancer Research
11. Cell
12. Cell Host & Microbe
13. Cell Metabolism
14. Cell Stem Cell
15. Chemical Communications
16. Chemical Science
17. Current Biology
18. Developmental Cell
19. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
20. Ecology Letters
21. eLife
22. Environmental Science & Technology
23. European Physical Journal C
24. Genes & Development
25. Genome Research
26. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
27. Geology
28. Geophysical Research Letters
29. Immunity
30. Inorganic Chemistry
31. Journal of Biological Chemistry
32. Journal of Cell Biology
33. Journal of Clinical Investigation
34. Journal of Experimental Medicine
35. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
36. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
37. Journal of High Energy Physics
38. Journal of Neuroscience
39. Journal of American Chemical Society
40. Macromolecules
41. Molecular Cell
42. Molecular Psychiatry
43. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters
44. Nano Letters
45. Nature
46. Nature Biotechnology
47. Nature Cell Biology
48. Nature Chemical Biology
49. Nature Chemistry
50. Nature Climate Change
51. Nature Communications
52. Nature Genetics
53. Nature Geoscience
54. Nature Immunology
55. Nature Materials
56. Nature Medicine
57. Nature Methods
58. Nature Nanotechnology
59. Nature Neuroscience
60. Nature Photonics
61. Nature Physics
62. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
63. Neuron
64. Organic Letters
65. Physical Review A
66. Physical Review B
67. Physical Review D
68. Physical Review Letters
69. Physical Review X
70. PLOS Biology
71. PLOS Genetics
72. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
73. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
74. Science
75. Science Advances
76. Science Translational Medicine
77. The Astrophysical Journal Letters
78. The EMBO Journal
79. The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology
80. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
81. The Plant Cell
82. Water Research

附:自然指数(Nature Index)官网 https://www.natureindex.com


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